Here’s a quick and accessible workout for you to do at home!

CIRCUIT 1: Repeat 2-3 times

Pulsing Donkey Kicks: 15-20 reps per leg

Hands and knees, shoulders over wrists, knees over hips, belly button pulled in towards the spine. 90 degree angle bend in the knee, pulse your heel up towards the ceiling. Alternate sides.

Knee Lifts: 10-15 reps

Hands and knees, shoulders over wrists, soft elbows, belly button pulled in towards the spine. Knees bent at 90 degrees, control the lift and lowering of your knees.

Side Plank Leg Lifts: 10-15 reps per side

Side plank, same arm and knee down. Extend top arm and leg out horizontally, then reach leg and arm up to the ceiling. Alternate sides.

Side Plank Crunch: 10-15 reps per side

Side plank, same arm and knee down. Extend top arm and leg out horizontally, then touch knee towards elbow. Alternate sides.

CIRCUIT 2: Repeat 2-3 times

Wide Leg Squat & Bicep Curl: 15-20 reps

Legs wider than shoulder width apart, knees bent over ankles. Arms extended out to the sides. Bicep curl in at the same time as you squat.

Lunge Pulses & Shoulder Fly: 15-20 reps

Lunge with one leg forward, bend front knee over ankle and back knee towards ground, arms open to sides at 90 degree bend. Bring elbows and wrists in to touch at the same time as you pulse. Alternate legs with each round.


Backwards Leg Extension: 10-15 reps

Find a chair, counter, or back of the couch to steady you. Lower chest in line with hips. Extend 1 leg back, squeezing glute and hamstring muscles. Alternate sides.

Backwards Leg Extension Heel Lift: 10-15 reps

Hold last exercise position with leg extended behind you, raise and lower your heel.

Plié Heel Lifts: 10-15 reps

Knees bent over ankles, tuck pelvis under, pull belly button in towards your spine. Extend your arm out in front of you with a slight bend. As heels lift, extend arm up over head, return to first position. Alternate sides with each round.

Side Leg Extension: 10-15 reps

Full weight on 1 leg, same arm extended out to the side with a slight bend. Kick and extend leg out to the side, at the same time as you lift arm up by ear. Alternate sides.


